Monday 18 July 2011


When one becomes old one has seen life’s ups and downs. They become more mature and less materialistic. More or less people tend to turn towards spirituality much later in life. When they are young all they think about is worldly pleasures, joys and acquiring wealth to lead a luxurious life. Of course there is nothing wrong in it! :)

I guess it is natural that when we have exhausted all the possibilities we turn towards Self! We are so caught up in the everyday struggle of existence that we never had time to think about one’s genesis. As a result, our attention turns to spiritualism when we get old.


One seeks the origins
Less of I, me, mine and gains
Dawn of harmony sought

Written on: 17/7/11

Participating at: Acrostic Only

What do you plan to do when you get old?! :) Would you go on a self quest??


  1. Very beautiful Sam and well thought with great depth of meaning!!

  2. Thank you so much Nanka! :)
