Thursday 26 May 2011

Over the moon

For hours I could sit and watch the glowing moon, amidst gleaming stars. I adore the night sky. The stunning crescent-shaped moon and the sparkling full moon are my favourites. One gets an uncanny sense of peace and is awed by looking at that white beauty, embedded with delicate designs and mysterious intricate patterns.

No wonder then if lovers wistfully gaze at the moon and imagine their beloved’s face in it. On the mention another thing comes to my mind. They say, “Aim for the stars, at least you will reach the moon.” :) Hence dream on, aim high and be over the moon for as long as you wish! :D 

Here is an acrostic poem on being over the moon!

Over the moon

Once the elegant
Velvety skies opened
Earning me, cascading
Rain of appreciation

The victory’s stamped
History in creation
Evident joy rippling

Merriment in profusion
Ongoing orchestration electrifying
Obscuring everything else
Nothing but ecstasy

Participating at: Acrostic Only

It would be really helpful if you could comment and tell me how is it! ;)

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