Wednesday 27 April 2011

Enjoying Acrostics

It is beautiful to see how an acrostic poem takes its course with certain restrictions and liberties while keeping its focus on the tacit message as well. I find it thoroughly amazing, both reading and writing. It is quite a feat to come up with an elegant poem! I have been trying to do that, lately. It has kept me fairly busy. Here are the results!!  ;)


Persuading ourselves
Outdoing opponents
Springing back
Inhibiting fears
Trying incessantly
Initiating invariably
Vying joyfully
Every time

Participating at: Acrostic Only

I don’t know if I have captured the essence of this phrase (kiss and tell) in my poem but trust me I have tried although the meaning makes me a little uncomfortable. :)

Kiss and tell

Knitting fantasies
In bed
Stop it
Seductive woman

Aroused senses
Need you
Disrupting work  

Trip not
Elect silence
Limelight is
Lethal now

Participating at: Acrostic Only

If you feel like commenting, please do, and let me know how or what you feel about the poems. Cheers!


  1. both of these are very well written Sam you have a great knack for this!

  2. very sweet of you to say that Amanda!! thank you!
