Tuesday 26 April 2011

Different styles of Poetry

Well I’m all excited about participating in this acrostic poetry competition!! For the benefit of those who don’t know what an acrostic poem is, here is an explanation!

Acrostic n. (uh-kroh-stic) A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence.

I’m new to this style of poetry or should I say I didn’t know about this style till last December! Since then I have tried my hand at it and now I present (heehe.. ) my acrostic!

Bless you

Between survival struggles
Look for that
Enigmatic notion named
Spiritual quest to
Seek self enlightenment

Yielding ultimate truth
One reaches after
Unrelenting intricate pursuit

Participating at: Acrostic Only  http://acrosticonly.blogspot.com/

Haiku is yet another style of writing. A definition:

Haiku n.  A Japanese verse form that has three unrhymed lines of  5, 7, and 5 syllables on a subject of nature.

I have heard about it. Long time back someone in my family was discussing, saying that it is a short poetry, succinct and in the trend, then. I dont know about the trends but sure do hope mine makes a little sense! Heehee…


Eventually perceptions change
Brilliant waves inadvertently fall
Brittle virtues adorn youth  

Participating at: Acrostic Only  http://acrosticonly.blogspot.com/


  1. well done Sam! You've followed the guidelines and created some beautiful Acrostics! Don't forget to leave some feedback for the bloggers you visit (you'll make tons of friends that way also) but especially in the artist/blogging world reciprocation is valued greatly. I am so thrilled you have joined us and you're just in time for the new May prompts!
    Nice to meet you
    Amanda Moore

  2. Thank you Amanda! :) i'll do that from now on. nice to meet you too!! and thank you for becoming my first follower!!

  3. You're very welcome I cannot wait to see how your blog blooms, there are lots of writing memes if you like I will send you links to them or come by my blog

  4. :) i'm excited too. here everything is new to me! oh.. what are memes?
