Anger is a very powerful destructive force. So much that it can destroy anything and everything. A person can lose for instance, his mind, friends, and life earnings in a fit of rage. A place can be victimized by the nature’s fury - a hurricane or volcano. A nation could be destroyed through a futile war, or the wrath of oceans such as tsunami. Finally the world could be thrown to non existence due to terrorism or global warming. These are all examples to illustrate the results of intense anger.
Therefore it is imperative to practice self-control and to pacify one’s anger in order to avoid total destruction. You have to be the master of your senses to experience joy. Though anger is a negative quality it too can be used constructively. For instance, if one shows or channelizes one’s anger (intensity) on beneficial purposes such as improving marks/grades at school, learning a new skill or language, et cetera it would bring amazing results. While you are waiting at a counter, or if you have been put on hold by customer service or anybody, instead of fuming over it just relax and complete your little errands in that time. Such as, read your pending mails/messages, review your presentation notes, think of a present you’d buy for your little one/friend, make a list of people you want to invite to your weekend party or just listen to your favourite music and chill out.
Now I feel like I have jabbered a lot so I’ll head back to my poetry, a haiku this time acrostic one!
It melts and erupts
Roasted crimson lava threatens
Entombed lies a city
Written on: 26/5/11